AWS, SES, and Sendy powered email marketing platform 50% cheaper than a cheeky little monkey
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01252 849600
Rated 5 stars by our clients
Plan your email campaigns
Send using our scalable platform
Amazon delivers your emails
We support you throughout
Driven by over 25 years' experience with email marketing, we've developed an email marketing platform that can help you and your business thrive!
To send more than a handful of emails a month using one of the many emailing services currently on the market, can get very pricy, very quickly.
Our email marketing platform is a combination of the fantastic Sendy email marketing software, hosted on our UK AWS infrastructure, with emails sent using Amazon's SES (Simple Email Service).
You can find out more about our email marketing platform and how much (or little) it costs here, or if you'd prefer to have a chat about moving your email marketing to our platform contact us!
Contact Us Call us 01252 849600
All who work at Hotbox Studios have been fanatical about email marketing since the late 1990s, in part driven by our sister company's requirement to reliably send hundreds of thousands of emails a month!
Hotbox Events, started small with email marketing, although the size of it's email lists quickly grew, and with this came escalating costs to send emails.
Hotbox Events needed an email marketing platform which could reliably send and deliver hundreds of thousands of emails a month, with contact list management, website and application integrations, tracking and reporting.
Our email marketing platform offers all of this and more, enabling Hotbox Events to have an unlimited number of contacts and contact lists for targeted email marketing, with emails being delivered by arguably the world's best email service Amazon SES.
In addition, our email marketing platform offers Hotbox Events detailed tracking of activity including emails opened, clicked, which links were clicked, by who, where and when.
When it comes to list management, our email marketing platform offers unsubscribe, bounce, and complaint management, tied to comprehensive suppression and block lists.
Contact Us Call us 01252 849600
The Embers Camping vision is simple: a large open campsite, sleeping under canvas with a glowing campfire, surrounded by people having a great time and creating happy memories.
With campsites in Surrey, Sussex, Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Kent, and The New Forest, and a keen focus on sustainability, Embers' friendly staff, bell tents, snack bars, shower shacks, pizza ovens plus a whole lot more offers campers everything required to enjoy a perfect open-air getaway!
Growing quickly, Embers Camping first came to us looking for help with their website's hosting and maintenance, once we'd moved the Embers website over to our managed AWS web hosting, and worked with Embers to redevelop areas of their website, Embers asked if we could help with their ever increasing email marketing costs.
Embers Camping sends tens of thousands of marketing emails each month, both to their main email marketing contact list and to smaller targeted email lists. Until this point Embers Camping had been using one of the larger well known email platforms to send their marketing emails, which was becoming very expensive.
Moving over to our email marketing platform has cut the costs Embers Camping pays for sending the company's email marketing campaigns by 50%.
Contact Us Call us 01252 849600